Some of my favorite food memories are from the gatherings at our childhood home. Our parents loved to play host, and our dad (papa Soom) always manned the grill. Outdoor gatherings started with teriyaki chicken wings (AKA Rick's Chicks). Our dad carved our names into the hot dogs so we'd know each one was cooked special for the recipient.
Get In Touch! >>I have so many great childhood memories connected to food! Dinners out at Joe's Broiler or Il Pinito with my parents and sisters were the best, Yom Kippur break-fast at my grandparents' house with kugel and bagels and lox, camp lunches of Starkist tuna lunch-packs and gushers - there are too many memories to choose from!
My first and last meal of every trip back to visit my family is Pines of Rome in Bethesda, MD. White Pizza, Eggplant Parm, and spaghetti will forever be my favorite meal. My childhood memories from there and the fact that every bite is just like the last make this restaurant my favorite place to eat!
Get In Touch! >>Starting a meal with fresh salatim (Hebrew for small salads), warm bread, and Moroccan fish always brings back fond memories of Friday night dinners with my family and grandparents. I love the inevitable "Wait, there's more?!" reaction from a guest when they learn it's just the first course.
Get In Touch! >>Cookies have been a part of who I am since I was a toddler. My mother tells me about the 6 months when I was little that I’d only eat cookies. She started baking vegetables and other healthy ingredients in them to keep me alive! And I’ll never forget the incredible chocolate chunk cookies my grandmother made. They were the best! To this day, chocolate chunk is still my favorite cookie.
Get In Touch! >>My Bubbi would always make a sugar cookie called kichel. They're these long, flat sugar cookies that are perfect after Shabbat dinner. I'd prick the cookies with a fork before helping her put them in the oven. To this day, I remember the taste; no dessert compares to the love and effort she put into these cookies... and no one's rendition comes close!
Get In Touch! >>I really enjoyed going over to my Grandfather's for ham and cabbage. The food was absolutely awful haha but the memories and banter were certainly memorable!
Get In Touch! >>Growing up, my grandma had a beach house in LBI, NJ. On the drive down to the beach, we’d stop at the farmers market to pick up over a dozen ears of corn. My cousins and I would sit on the porch and shuck the corn. Sweet Jersey corn is still super nostalgic to me!
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